Discipline Me. Melt Me. Expose Me. Love Me.

Discipline Me. Melt Me. Expose Me. Love Me.

Discipline Me. Melt Me. Expose Me. Love Me., Discipline, Melt, Expose, And Love Please, 躾けてとかして暴いて愛でて1
6/19/2022 3:16 PM
<h3>EN</h3><p>"Senpai, I'll dominate you to the marrow of your bones."<br/><br/>Sumio Tachibana, an orthopedic surgeon (a resident), has spent his days as a sub controlling his desires to be dominated and controlled. However, he doesn't have a designated Dom, and remaining in this state will damage him both mentally and physically. Because of this, Sumio decides to visit a SUB-only club... There he meets his old high school junior, now a yakuza, Wanizuka Itsumi . Since he doesn't have a designated dom he urges, "Let me become sempai's dom." ?!<br/><br/>[DOM/SUB Universe] a trying story of a jealous young yakuza x a surgeon who really just wants to be spoiled?!</p><hr/><h3>JA</h3><p>『先輩 骨の髄まで躾てあげます』<br/><br/>整形外科医(研修医)の橘花純生は、Subとして「命令されたい」「支配されたい」という欲を日々コントロールしながら過ごしていた。<br/>しかし、特定のDomもいないため、精神的・肉体的にもこのままではいけない!と思い立った純生はSub専用風俗に足を運ぶことに…。<br/>そこで、偶然にも高校時代の後輩で現・ヤクザの和仁塚 愛【Dom】と再会。特定のDomがいないならと「先輩のDomになりたい」と迫られてしまい…!?<br/><br/>【Dom/Subユニバース】一途で嫉妬深い年下ヤクザ×本当は甘やかされたいこじらせ俺様外科医の甘とろ調教ストーリー!</p>