Baka to Gogh

Baka to Gogh

バカとゴッホ, Baka and Gogh, The Idiots & Gogh, Isamu Diary, My MHz, My Megahertz, L&P Love and Parapara, Yogera
7/25/2021 4:16 AM
Sakai and Shoji are two idiots. Their band, Moozmuz, is eccentric, flamboyant and silly. Gogh, their classmate, is a quiet but intense clothes designer. Watch the friendship between these three artists blossom and suffer, rendered in Shinkichi Kato's vibrant, lively art. (Source: Mangascreener) <b>Included one-shots:</b> Volume 1: Isamu Diary, My MHz Volume 2: L&P: Love and Parapara, Yogera