Always You

Always You

Chaque instant auprès de toi, Every Moment Was You, Modeun Sungani Neoyeotda, 모든 순간이 너였다
6/22/2021 9:03 PM
All my life, every moment, it was you.<br/><br/>They thought they were inseparable. A terrible tragedy kept them apart. Forever? Unhappiness always strikes when you least expect it. And when it leaves a gaping void in the heart, how can we continue to live as if nothing had happened?<br/><br/><strong>Alternate Raws:</strong><br/><a href="">Comico</a><br/><a href="">Naver</a><br/><a href="">Daum</a><br/><br/><strong>French:</strong><br/>Ils se croyaient ins&eacute;parables. Un drame terrible va les &eacute;loigner. A jamais ? Le malheur frappe toujours quand on s&rsquo;y attend le moins. Et lorsque celui-ci laisse un vide b&eacute;ant dans le c&oelig;ur, comment continuer &agrave; vivre comme si de rien n&rsquo;&eacute;tait?<br/><a href="">Version officielle fran&ccedil;aise</a>