

5/2/2020 5:50 PM
FR:<br/>C'est l'heure o&ugrave; le Z&eacute;phyr, le tr&egrave;s luxueux building o&ugrave; toute la jeunesse dor&eacute;e de La Griffe et du Cercle se retrouvaient pour discuter d'une solution pour mettre fin &agrave; la guerre qui oppose ces deux nations, a explos&eacute;. Les rumeurs circulent sur l'implication d'un combattant de free fight humain sans visage ayant pour nom de sc&egrave;ne Bass, nom emprunt&eacute; &agrave; l'ange sans visage sens&eacute; lib&eacute;rer ses cong&eacute;n&egrave;re et qui descendra parmi eux pour les unir et les lib&eacute;rer. Mais qui est ce Bass au final ? D'o&ugrave; vient il ? Qui est il ? Qu'est ce qu'il ? Et quel a &eacute;t&eacute; le chemin qu'il a parcouru avant de lancer officiellement la premi&egrave;re r&eacute;volte des humains ? <br/><br/>Auteur : <br/><a href="http://twitter.com/ldfcorp">Twitter</a><br/><a href="https://www.instagram.com/ledessinateurfou/ ">Instagram</a><br/><a href="http://www.tostadora.fr/LDFcorp">http://www.tostadora.fr/LDFcorp</a><br/><a href="http://utip.io/ldfcorp <br/>fr.ulule.com/1g-ldf">http://utip.io/ldfcorpfr.ulule.com/1g-ldf</a><br/><br/>Publication fran&ccedil;aise exclusive &agrave; la Runtime Crackers, toute reproduction ou modification en France est prohib&eacute;e.<br/><br/>[EN]<br/>When the clock had struck the time of 21 hours, 19 minutes, and 19 seconds in the building called Zephyr. <br/>The luxurious building where all of the youth of the two nations of La Griffe and the Circle had met. <br/>They came to this meeting to find a solution to the war between them. This is the golden age of their youth, yet things were destined to go awry. Rumors began circulating about this 'faceless' human, a fighter with the name of Bass. The name was borrowed from the Faceless Angel, whose fate was to liberate his fellow kin. He who will descend from the heights of Heaven itself to unite them. Although, the question reminds, just who is Bass? Where is he from? What is he? And what was the path he dared to tread before he had launched the first human revolt?